English terms for drones you should know, comparison table of Chinese and English drone terms

Jan 25, 2024 11:03 pm 

Like any industry or hobby, the world of drones has its own language. And to be fully integrated, you will need to move around and talk. Here are the most common drone terms you should display in Chinese and English.

Let’s start with the basics:

无人机 UAV: unmanned aerial vehicle

English terms for drones you should know, comparison table of Chinese and English drone terms

无人机系统 UAS: unmanned aerial system

小型无人机系统 SUAS: Small Unmanned Aerial System

遥控飞机系统 RPAS: Remotely Piloted Aircraft System

4旋翼无人机 Quadcopter: A drone with 4 rotors that sits on a horizontal plane like a helicopter.

Quadcopter: A drone with 4 rotors that sits on a horizontal plane like a helicopter.

多旋翼无人机 Multicopter: A common name for a drone with multiple propellers.

六旋翼无人机 Hexicopter: A multi-rotor aircraft with six rotors.

八旋翼无人机 Octocopters: Drones with eight blades.

即时飞行 Ready-To-Fly (RTF) : Ready- To- Fly ( RTF ) This is a drone that requires little assembly and is ready to go right out of the box.

几乎可以立即飞行 Almost-Ready-To-Fly : An almost-ready-to-fly ( ARTF or ARF ) drone that requires some minor assembly and additional equipment. Example: Receiver (Rx) and Radio Transmitter (Tx). Radio transmitters are also called radio controllers.

Bind-N-Fly ( BNF )

The Bind-N-Fly model is basically an RTF drone with a receiver, but no radio controller, which you have to buy separately.

第一人称视角 First-Person View (FPV) : First-person perspective ( FPV )

First-Person View (FPV): First-person perspective (FPV)
First-Person View (FPV): First-person perspective (FPV)

Video feed from drone camera.

Return-To-Home (RTH)

A safety feature that allows the drone to automatically fly back to the pilot’s position and/or starting point.

云台 Gimbal head

A mechanical camera stabilization feature that allows you to get smooth videos and get sharp photos even when the drone is flying fast (even in high winds!).

无头模式 Headless ModeHeadless Mode

For starters – using this mode means that when you move the remote’s joystick in those directions, the drone will always go forward, backward, left or right – regardless of the front of the drone Which direction to point.

跟随我的 Follow MeFollow me

feature that allows a drone to automatically follow an object – typically using a GPS signal from a mobile device, remote control or beacon.

偏航 Yaw _

If you look down at the drone from above, yaw refers to the clockwise/counterclockwise movement of the drone.

俯仰 Pitch _

Describes movement up and down along a vertical axis from the front to the rear of the drone.

滚动 Roll

Roll the airplane’s rotation from front to back on the helicopter . In short, the drone moves forward, backward, left and right along the horizontal axis.

自主飞行无人机 Autonomous Flight

An autonomously flying drone managed by an internal program with instructions on where to fly – usually guided by an onboard GPS system.

超越视线 BVLOS

Beyond sight.

磷酸锂电池 LiPo

Lithium Polymer – The battery type preferred by most drone manufacturers.

The battery type preferred by most drone manufacturers.

有效载荷 Payload _

The extra weight a drone can lift in addition to its own weight and batteries. If you are mounting a camera on a drone, the total weight is the payload.

The extra weight a drone can lift in addition to its own weight and batteries.  If you are mounting a camera on a drone, the total weight is the payload.
English terms for drones you should know, comparison table of Chinese and English drone terms
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